Oradour-sur-Glane – the French Village Frozen in Time
When my dad first told me about Oradour-sur-Glane, I knew at once it was a place I would like to visit. My dad and I share a passion for history, particularly anything involving the Second World War. This made the French village, located in the…
My 2019 Goals
Thanks to Jeff Goins and his 500 words a day challenge, my 2019 writing goals have got off to a good start. One of the prompts I was given last week was simply to make a list of what I would like to achieve this…
Ten Reasons Why I love living in Paris
1. French women don’t wear a lot of make up. French women are all about being au naturel with regards to their make up. Their attitude to make up is simple; less is more. A strong lipstick with a flick of mascara is the perfect day or…
One Man’s Paris Story
This week’s guest writer is Thomas Bartlett. Thomas was born in Belfast and grew up in Galway. In his twenties he lived in Paris for four years, Spain for two and now he lives in Dublin. He has been a teacher, a restaurant manager, a waiter and a cook…
Breaking My Silence
Before I start I have to tell you all that this article has been the hardest article I have ever had to write. Exactly a week ago today, the unthinkable happened. Paris, my beautiful home and a city I love so dearly, was…
Welcome to my Neighbourhood
This week’s guest blogger is the wonderful Isabelle Andover. Isabelle is a Paris-based writer of chicklit. Her debut novel, Cocktails at Le Carmen, was published by Simon & Fig in June 2015. Originally from England, Isabelle lives with her tabby cat Oscar, who occasionally blogs about apartment-style living in the…
From Pensford to Paris
A new week, a new guest blogger! Hannah Moore is originally from Bristol. She’s a third year student at the University of Birmingham studying English Literature and French Studies. Hannah has just started blogging for her year abroad and she’s hoping to document her whole time here with weekly…
Frenchie- my Favourite Wine Bar
As a blogger I’m always keen to discover new places in Paris, especially when it involves wine. During the summer, going for “un after work” drink with your friends a nd colleagues is an absolute must. The sun is shining and the city is bursting at the…
The French you don’t learn at school.
I’ve been asked a lot recently to explain how I learnt French; how I learnt to speak quickly and fluently and most often of all, how I learnt to sound like a Parisian. Interestingly, people always presume that I studied here or that I studied…
You know you’re in Paris when…
1. You sprint everywhere You sprint for the metro because you can’t bear to wait two minutes for the next one and you power walk, all the time, even on weekends. Your normal walking pace triples because you have to keep up with the crowd…